If you found this article, then you want to learn something and that’s what I want to help you with today. „I want to learn something“ is today’s title. Maybe you know the feeling, you are lying in your bed and suddenly the feeling comes, which finally spurs you to do something, to get your life under control and to work on yourself. In today’s article I will give you some tips to support you on your way. Because I know myself how difficult it is to finally do something and to improve yourself. I have been dealing with the topic of self-improvement for a long time and today I will pass on to you what I have learned.
1. Find yourself
If you want to achieve something you must first know who you are in the first place and what you want. I know I sound like some spiritualist trying to sell you crystal balls but I think you know what I mean. I can recommend some Youtube videos that might help you, but I would advise you not to buy 20 self-help books, because in my experience that doesn’t help at all. It is important that you are clear with yourself so that you can have a clear view forward. Your mental health has a big impact on your productivity. To learn you simply need a clear head without which nothing works. I will soon publish a post about how to avoid bad influences on your mental health.
2. Take the first step
The hardest part about this is always getting started and sticking it out. But let me tell you this, in order for you to even begin to persevere and be confronted, you have to start first. I know from my own experience how difficult it is to start improving yourself and start being productive, but it is important that you just start I would even say there is nothing more important in the beginning. There is no right moment to start, just start now or tomorrow morning when it is already late, then rest now and start tomorrow productive. There are some steps you can follow to get a better start:
- Set fixed goals
- Plan your day in advance
- What does the perfect week look like for you?
- plan in time-blocks in which you have to fulfill certain goals.
Without certain goals you will never really get to work and that is why the first step is so important. The second step is closely related to the first because if you have your goals in mind then you can break these big goals down into smaller goals and do them day by day. If you have a plan of what you want to accomplish that day then it will be much easier for you to get up in the morning and stick to your planned routine that you created the day before. I just recommend that you don’t take on too much in the beginning so that you don’t lose motivation. With time you will realize what you can do and in what time. Another tip is to make a list of tasks that don’t have a real deadline but just need to be done, these tasks you can then work off if you are faster than planned with a task. If you have planned your day, you should also plan your week with time blocks and you should plan your perfect week as an orientation for your goals as you would live if you had the perfect life that helps mega and motivates you additionally in learning.
3. Work concentrated and focused
If you work focused and concentrated then you don’t have to work much. People who work 8 hours a day will not really work a lot of it and you can make it easier for yourself by working only 2–4 hours and being focused. I myself only work about 3 hours a day, but earn more money than someone who sits in an office for 8 hours a day. And that is only because I work 3 hours focused. I will also publish another article that describes in detail how you can work focused and concentrated, because there are some techniques that you can use. If you want to continue to read such posts then I can only recommend you to follow me now. If you work focused and the work goes much faster, you will not lose motivation in the long run and that will automatically help you to persevere.
4. Persevere
You know everything now. You have already done 99% of the work if you have done everything up to this point. All you have to do now is hang in there and I’ll teach you how to hang in there and really only use 1% of your energy. Because let me tell you that persevering really doesn’t require much effort. If you work focused then your motivation, according to the motivation curve, will not really decrease and you still have the rest of the day 80% of your motivation over which you can recharge the rest of the day with activities that are not strenuous to start the next day with 100% again in the day. Sometimes there are also bad days but everybody has them and then I recommend you to find the reason of your problem and to fight the cause. You can try some of the following things to find the cause:
- meditation
- journal (you can find a detailed post about this on my profile)
- a long walk
If you don’t find the cause of your problem that’s okay too but these 3 things will definitely calm you down and help you in some way anyway. It’s also important to reward yourself because just getting started requires an immense effort and you should be proud of yourself. If you just don’t put too much pressure on yourself, a little pressure is important to improve yourself, then it should be no problem for you to persevere and continue to learn and be productive. You just have to find the right balance for yourself. If you do have problems then we can write in the comments or just exchange contact details and then we’ll talk privately and I’ll help you with your problems.