Today I’m going to talk about the importance of hobbies and habits. Everyone knows that it’s important to stay physically active and to have certain routines in your day. Did you know that according to scientific studies, both help against depression? Hobbies and habits also have numerous health benefits, as well as increasing your productivity, cognitive health and discipline. That’s what everyone wants, isn’t it? So let me tell you about my hobbies and habits, maybe you will find something you want to start. Let’s start with my hobbies. I go swimming 4x a week, 3x a week to field hockey training and 3x a week I go jogging, plus some workouts at home which should be counted less to hobbies and more to habit. So I am quite active in sports and I notice results not only physically but also mentally. Through endurance sports my discipline has improved a lot and that of course helps me to follow through with my Habits. In addition, the physical progress is also a progress that you can clearly measure and that already gives you motivation to continue. Now we come to my Habits, which will make up the bulk of this post firstly because I find the topic incredibly important and secondly because I myself have many Habits. I have trained myself the following Habits in the last years and months: Reading (at least 200 pages a day), walking daily, meditating 2x a day, 100 pushups (50 in the morning and 50 in the evening), writing 1000 words (plus my daily articles of course), journaling 2x a day, studying at least one hour and learning something new at least one hour. Now that was already quite a lot and I wouldn’t voluntarily give up any of it. I have to admit, writing 1000 words took quite a while in the beginning because I had to overcome my perfectionism at that time, but now once I sit down my fingers fly over the keyboard as if by themselves. In the beginning it took me over an hour to write these 100 words, but now it takes me much less than an hour. At the beginning every habit will be difficult for you and that’s why there is a rule of thumb from the book _Atomic Habits_ by James Clear that if you want to start a new habit you should only do it for 5 minutes a day, or even just one, everyone can spare that and if you do more super then you have overcome your procrastination. By the way, I can warmly recommend the book to all of you, I learned a lot from it including techniques that I still use today. If you don’t want to buy the book, there are also many summaries of the most important things to find on Youtube. Through my hobbies and habits I have incorporated a routine into my day, or in other words I have made a routine out of my day that I love and would not change, at most I would add more habits but certainly not one less. My workload is actually pretty small as well, with writing I earn money on numerous platforms (there will be a post about this in the future so if you want a tutorial and a detailed list of how to earn as much money as I do through copywriting then follow me. best now) and for that being my job so to speak I only work 2–3 hours a day on it. Sometimes I even write much more than that, i.e. twice or three times as much and still stay within the time frame. I can definitely recommend a fixed routine that you integrate into your day. It simply brings more structure and solidity into your life which everyone of us can use. I am convinced that without this routine I would not be able to survive my day. Also, staying active helps tremendously against boredom and that’s another big plus for me. Whether your day is too stressful or too boring, Habits and Hobbies will definitely help you out. Do yourself a favor and bring stability into your life later you will thank me for it. I want to thank you if you have already read to the end here and I am looking forward to show you my next post tomorrow.